Littlebee 20A Pro
The Latest BLHeli Firmware
Silabs MCU
DLM and Oneshot Capable
Signal wire programmable
One of the most Favorite ESCs finally got an upgrade! With this ESCs brand new F396 MCU processor, it is able to handle the higher RPM motors with ease. The processor on this ESC runs nearly twice as fast as the previous version, 48Mhz. It has also been equipped with a bit more flash memory and RAM. Designed to be compact and lightweight, this may be the perfect choice for many of the FPV Racers and Acro flyers! Thrust results to come. One of the smallest ESCs on the market for its size but can keep up with the bigger brothers. FVT LITTLEBEE 20A PRO ESCs supports 2-4s lipos, are mosfet driven and with fast, dedicated driver chips on a high quality PCB.
Input: 2-4s Lipo
Constant: 20 Amps
Burst: 30 Amps(10 seconds)
Weight: 6g w/wires
Dimensions: 24.5 x 12.5 x 3mm
Motor wire: 50mm 20g
Signal wire: 100mm 22g
MCU: Silabs F396 @ 48Mhz
PCB - 4 Layer Blind Pole PCB - 3oz Pour
Mosfet: N-Channel
BEC: None
Favourite FVT LittleBee 20A PRO ESC . Favourite FVT LittleBee 20A OPTO PRO ESC BLHeli 2-4S F396 Supports OneShot125 For RC Multirotors
LittleBee is using Silabs processor and fast dedicated driver chips, providing excellent freewheeling and exceptional braking capabilities.
We're only using the best components available, period. And, as we build these in our own factory, our experienced staff ensures you're getting the best of the best!
We know that with mini quads, every gram counts. LittleBee is only 24.5x12.5mm, and weights only 4g, enabling your builds to be even smaller and lighter!
To unleash it's full potential, LittleBee has been designed to run BLHELI firmware. Factory flashed with BLHELI 14, it's ready for action!
Oneshot125 is a different and faster communication protocol between the flight controller and the ESC on your quadcopter. It allows the FC to send control commands to the motor quicker, therefore in theory your multirotor should perform better.
This feature allows your motors to respond to throttle decreases much quicker, allowing for more stable flying, and higher response to throttle decreases.
With the BLHELI software rapidly evolving, you can flash the newest firmware using the 3pin connector and suitable USB adapter*
Once connected, you will get access to a number of settings that control behavior of your ESC controller.
Enable OneShot125, Damped light mode, reverse motor direction, all available on one easy to use screen.
Capable of running 3s and 4s setups, LittleBee can work with up to 20A continuous load, and 30A peak (10s).
Initial stress testing on 4S with a Cobra 2208/2000 with 6x4.5 prop, doing repetitive immediate accelerations from low rpm to full throttle went well.
During the initial acceleration, this setup pulls about 100A, so it's a tough test for a small ESC (and can break other small ESCs).
Hopefully this indicates that the ESC will prove to be a reliable performer.
And so far, this is the closest performer to KISS that I have seen in this size.
Here is the link for Blheli suite: